Success Stories
This page is comprised of all of the RTT clients who wanted to share their success stories. Read on, if you're unsure if RTT is really as effective as we say...if it's truly worth the effort. Once you're ready to begin your journey to success, simply click here to answer a few questions and soon, you'll be able to post your success story too!

From the first moment I had spoken with Akemi, I instantly felt a connection. She's so full of life, amazing and beautiful inside and out and she makes you feel 100% comfortable and powerful!
My first session was absolutely phenomenal! We touched upon 3 scenes of my childhood that brought me exactly where I "was" today. I can't stress the "was" enough! It isn't me anymore. I was a person with anxiety and fears going through everyday life, not living fully or even being my true authentic self. But, just after the first session, I'm now back in the game! I know my worth, I know who I am, and my past does not define me.
It only took 1 session for me to be myself again an for that I am forever grateful! I absolutely love Aki and I highly recommend her to anyone looking to find their way back to themselves!!! She will not disappoint! Best idol to have on this journey!
Vanessa - Montreal, Canada
My whole life I’ve had a really unhealthy craving for fast food. The older I got and with more financial freedom the worse this habit became to the point that I literally never cooked at home unless I had a guest, which was rare.
After some divine interventions that lead me down the path to search for an RTT therapist near me, I contacted Akemi. From the first few minutes of our consultation I knew she would be able to help me and I didn’t hesitate to sign up for my RTT session.
The session was amazing, powerful, and to this date, months later I have experienced a dramatic and significant transformation in my thinking and my behavior. The session absolutely caused a total shift in the core belief driving that unrelenting habit.
Its truly baffling the absolute freedom I have experienced. I'm so grateful! I never knew that change could happen so fast and so permanently!
Forever grateful!
Portia - Charlotte, NC

It has been two months since I had my RTT therapy and I can't simply give a description to how my life has changed. I'm so confident and clear, not confident in myself but confident I have the abundance of God. The therapy removed negative thinking and the emotions associated with those thoughts. I don't worry that those insecurities and feelings of not being good enough will creep up. With the removal of those feelings of not measuring up or being damaged, I forgive everyone I ever thought hurt me and I forgive myself for doubting God is able to bless me, abundantly.
I'm even clearer than I was before, on how my experiences can be used to help others. I'm confident and bold about that, but not with an inflated ego. I'm so comfortable being bold, transparent, and having genuine compassion for people. I love people more, I love life, and to steal a church member's words, "In all my adult life, now I truly look forward to living.
A couple weeks after RTT therapy, I had the Vortex cleansing, I feel so healthy. I have more than normal control of my eating. I gave up sugar about five weeks ago and it's been 3 weeks since I gave up flour and flour products. I don't miss it! Since the cleansing, I'm not experiencing the effects of gaseous food any longer either.
RTT has changed my life and I'll continue to give credit where it's due. I'm so grateful and truly can't imagine life prior to the transformation. Since RTT, I truly feel as if I'm living my best life!
Regina S. - Charlotte, NC