Schedule your consultation HERE and find out what’s really sabotaging your freedom!


Your greatest tragedy will be if you get to the end of your life and realize you never began living it.

It's time you change - click here


Self sabotage begins at the subconscious level, in areas that lies just beyond talk therapy's reach. It has the powerful ability to silently stop you from living your life to the fullest.

These hidden limiting subconscious beliefs run deep and spreads wide, affecting you in every area of your life and you don't even realize it's happening.


What challenge are you facing in life right now?

Imagine if you could turn all of your weaknesses into strengths and live your life free of the weights and burdens you now carry.

Imagine if you were able to free yourself of old hurts, childhood emotional pain and trauma, guilt, or shame.

What if you could spend the next few months letting go of the emotional baggage that has been robbing you of happiness, the life you were meant to experience.


Of course it would.

Let's face it. You and I both know talk therapy simply does not work. You may have tried it all, going week after week for months and years, talking about your problems. What have you gained? You leave those sessions WITHOUT clear concise answers, WITHOUT improvement and it feels like a waste of time and money.

Our work together is NOT like that, because I offer something different. I offer results you begin experiencing as early as our initial contact.

In our sessions, I take you to the root where you can see, understand, and let go of the old trauma, emotional hurts and pains that you have been carrying all of your life.

It's time to let go.

Your life transformation begins here. It starts with the discovery call and continues each session. You experience change.

You experience life transformation.

Life is short. No one has the time or money to waste on...stuff...that does not work. It's time you move on with your life.

Be empowered. Transform your personal and professional life so you can


It's easier than you think and you're going to wish you began this a long time ago.

Do you want to know what your life without burdens feel like?

Click here to get started!

The Transformation Collection


Let's get started!

LIFE TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY - Reset, Rebalance & Rebuild

Schedule your discovery session here


Yes, I'm ready!


I'm ready, let's do this!

Meet Akemi, Our Leading Expert

My turn! Let's do it!

Can RTT™ & Guided Meditation Help You In This Tough Time?

The short answer is, Yes. My only prerequisite is this: You have to WANT the change. No one can make you be, or do, anything you don't want to do. If you are done with the old lifestyle and you want out, I am confident I can help you.

Read below to see how our clients have felt with their RTT sessions.


"My visit with Aki was amazing.  From the moment you meet her, you are completely at ease.  My problems were many, pretty much you name it.  We had a session and after she left, I slept soundly and woke up the next morning feeling completely re-energized, looking at things differently now and the happiest I have been in years.

She brings a strong presence with her, almost magical.  If you are having any type of problem whether it be depression, weight loss, sleep problems, etc., this lady is the one for you.  Fill out the form now to start your new you." -Carla P., Greenville, SC

"After 5 years of being self employed I hit a wall. Life and business had thrown me one too many curve balls and I didn’t know how to recover. I felt blocked, almost paralyzed in my thoughts and actions and I knew I had to do something. I had been practicing Self Hypnosis for a while with no real results so I decided to call in a Pro.

Before my session Aki took the time to listen and understand my concerns in detail.  From there she peeled back layers and walked me through scenes  to reveal and heal the root cause of my issues.

Things were uncovered that I never would have even imagined, healing me at the deepest levels of my subconscious and instilling clarity, confidence and strength in areas where I felt weak and foggy. After just 1 session I felt ready to take on the world, my ideas started to flow again and I was ready to get back to business.

Aki is a true healer and hypnotherapy is a powerful and effective therapy to uncover and heal  whatever is keeping you from living the life you want…the life you deserve."  -Monique F., Charlotte, NC

"I have gone to a few therapists to get help, but I was never able to find anyone who could make a difference. You have helped me more, in one session, than they were ever able to do!  Thank you so much!"  -Rob M., Honolulu, HI

"I am doing absolutely wonderful! I've been listening to the recording every day.  I've noticed since those blocks are no longer in my past, they're really no longer a part of my world!"  -Faye C., Ocala, FL

"This is JUST what sooooo many women need!!! You're amazing!"                       -Nikki D. Sydney, AU

"Money cannot pay for what I received. It was priceless. I'm so happy to have experienced and benefited from this one Reset & Rebalance session. Thank you Akemi for being you and helping me with this transformation of my relationship with my kids. "
Much love! 
 Nadia - Vancouver, Canada

(Below are the actual emails I received from Sarah before our consultation and after her session. I'm so elated for her! It's such an honor to be a part of my client's life journey. It thrills me to see the difference in their lives!)


"Hiya, my friend spoke with you about 2 weeks ago and recommended you to me. I am struggling. I’m 30 years old and have no interests or passions. I feel so numb. I can’t get enjoyment from things. I never have been able to - I’ve been more of a supporter helping others achieve their dreams and completely lost my own in the process. I felt too unlovable to get married so that was never a dream. I did my math degree then felt like I might as well drop dead. When I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism this added to the confusion as I don’t even feel I’m good at math anymore. This constant feeling of lack of enthusiasm, excitement and joy really upsets me. Let me know if you can help. Thanks." 


"Hiya! After our session I was emotionally exhausted. The rest of the day was good, I achieved a lot, then had a bit of a wobble as I tried making a recipe I hadn’t made before and it went wrong and I lost confidence. In hindsight, I think I should have just gone to bed! 

After I’d had a decent sleep that’s when I noticed the effects. I did feel lighter!  We had friends over last night and hosted, and have made plans to see parents this weekend. These were my ideas and my partner is loving it. He says I’m more sassy!

Yeah things are good. I feel an urge to go clothes shopping as it’s like none of my clothes suit me... it’s like seeing myself with new eyes."  Sarah - London, UK

Let's get started. Click HERE to begin getting your life back!

Experience Rapid Transformational Therapy for Your Peace of Mind

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT™)?

Marisa Peer and Akemi at certification

What can be treated?

Our programs using RTT™ and PTSD Energy Clearing has seen exceptionally high success rates in treating depression, grief, anxiety, addictions, triggers for stress, anger, guilt, and deep emotional pains.

It is perfect for those who have tried everything and feel like nothing works.

How is it possible to be set free?

Ultimately, all unwanted behaviors or issues - i.e., smoking, drinking, fears, anger outbursts, guilt, unending sadness, etc.are being driven run by an unconscious habit of thought.

Using hypnosis and guided meditation, you're able to get to the root beliefs that's causing those unwanted behaviors. When you detach from that habit of thought, the unwanted habit action is no longer valid for you.

When you understand and detach from this false habit of thought and replace them with new positive and powerful messages, you achieve the freedom you've been searching for.

All sessions are 1-on-1, solution focused and designed to find the root cause and remove from your life. Gone are the days of talking and getting nowhere, session after session for weeks, months, years. That's not what we do.

What you WON'T get are long, drawn out group calls, impersonal video "lessons" that may leave you with more questions than answers, the feeling that you may have wasted your time and money, the feeling that you're going through this alone.

How Do We Begin?

Make an appointment for your first 45-minute Discovery Session using any highlighted/underlined buttons on this page.

We'll determine what is at the root of your issue and then devise a strategy to help you accomplish your life's ambitions.

At that point, it's all up to you to decide if you want to take back control of your life so you can live your life to the fullest.


You Deserve All the Peace and Happiness In the World

Click here to schedule your Discovery Session now  

The Art of Living

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